Prayer Request

Prayer Request

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Provided by Cecile Tidwell

APRIL 28, 2024

This week's requests/praises/update:

Jack Norman - fell last week, nothing broken but he is very sore

Billie Haven (Bill's sister) - at rehab recovering from broken arm, fell and broke her leg

Rita Thomas - having stents put in today

Dot and Jim Huckaby - Jim was taking back to ICU late last week and intubated; Saturday night he was able to be removed from intubation; please pray for Dot as she makes decisions for Jim as he is not able to

Bonnie Smith - Blood pressure and other health issues

Tommy Thomas - feeling better

Bill Hussey - back pain

Pray for victims of tornadoes in Oklahoma and other states

Brian Spruill's mom - dementia; she is doing better this week

Ginger and Dennis' son - 2 herniated discs, still waiting on surgery

Adrianne Tidwell (Roger and Cecile's daughter) - possible tachycardia

Praise! College and Career class - new class started yesterday, pray for Thomas and Andra as they lead the class

Praise! Center Cross Ministries - in their new building and it is going well

Praise! 6 walk-ins for Wed. night meal

Continue to pray for:

Bryan Family - 16 year old son committed suicideBill's cousin - beginning stages of dementia

Dr. LaFavors (Professor at DBU) - toe was amputated a year ago, it is infected and he will be in the hospital until it is resolved

Jeannie Glidewell (Bill's cousin's wife) - diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, and cancer in liver, released from hospital and will start chemo soonPraise! Center Cross Ministries - they are finally in their new building!

Faye's niece's husband - bone marrow cancer

Peggy (Andra's cousin) - metastatic cancer

Chase (son of Denise's friend Lisa Ward) - cancer

Danny Cotton - doing better and white blood cell counts are up

Naomi Young (Denise's friend) - rare form of cancer, not doing well, went to Arizona for specialized immunotherapy. Her teenage son is not dealing well with her diagnosis.

Betty White (friend of Jack and Texanna's) - in the hospital with heart issues

Lewis Smith (Susan Carroll's father) - doing a little better

James and Stephanna Mayo - James was diagnosed with cancer undergoing chemo; he is feeling better but spirits are low
VBS - June 17th through the 20th

Jeri's brother Jim and his wife Ann - Ann has breast cancer and has decided no to pursue treatment (pray for peace and comfort)

Election process and our country

Woody Burgett (Gayle's friend) - has sepsis

GJ Martin (Bill & Faye's niece's husband) - Bone marrow cancer, doesn't respond to chemo, no treatment options

Gaylon Boone (friend of Dennis and Ginger) - cancer

Tonya Russell (Joanna's niece) - slowly improving, hemoglobin is up, she is weak
Jane Castaldo ( Bill & Faye's niece) - had uterine cancer, had complete hysterectomy and doctors believe they got all the cancer

Connor Bell (Faye's niece's son) - joined Army

Children's dept. and growth of the church - pray fervently we will touch people's hearts and they will want to be a part of our congregation

Diana Lupercio and Steven Whiddon - (Faye's friends) - Both are in need of kidney transplants and are seeking donors, Steven has a prospective donor

Faye's brother in law's wife - has cancer 

Shelba Grey (Donna's sister) - Shelba is in a nursing home, pray for all those in nursing homes and those that are shut-ins, especially during the holidays

Bobby Holloway (Thomas' brother-in-law) - has dementia and has moved into a memory care facility

David and Jeri Speegle - New address is: 1902 Provincetown Ln., Richardson, TX 75080

Barbara Franklin - health

Roland and Gwin - New address: 1427 Windsor St., Ardmore, OK 73401

Betty Albright (Mike's friend's mom) - fell and broke her hip, did surgery to repair it

Juan Carlos Sanchez (friend of Hilton's from the tire store across from the church) - has cancer, needs a kidney

Sue (Bryan's friend) - Home and recovering

Doug's dad - in rehab facility

Darryl Parker (Barbara and David Franklin's son in law) - He has late stage cancer of kidney and LiverBobby Meek (friend of Doug) - motorcycle accident

Maddie Leamon (Doug's friend) - health not good

Pray for Israel

Joy ( Faye's cousin) - cancer

Howard (Bryan Spruill's brother) - diagnosed with Parkinson's, no symptoms at this point

Pray for our country to turn back to God

Donald Booth (Bill and Faye's niece's husband) - heart issue, he fell and has braces on both knees

Kevin Robinson (Homeless man being mentored by Faye's son-in-law) - had a stroke

William Somerall - leukemia

Feed My Sheep - Have more families needing for food; monetary or food donations appreciated

Jay Ward (friend of Bill and Faye) - Serious condition (heart, renal failure, battling dementia).

Janice Herbert (Faye's cousin) - Cancer

Jim Young (friends of Faye and Bill in Llano) - cancer

Children and Youth ministries

Wayland (Nancy's nieces boss' family) - has brain cancer, 6 years old

Pam King: radiation treatments for recurring breast cancer

Tate and Mitzi Siegenthlar (friends of Bill and Faye) - Tate has been battling cancer for several years, it has now advanced to his brain and he has a short time to live.

Ben Woodson (son of Doug's friend) - incurable cancer

Wilma  (friend's of Jack and Texanna) - Wilma has been battling cancer for a long time

Pete Thackerson (Doug's friend) - bladder cancer 

G.A. and Tim Edwards (parents of the Thomas' daughter-in-law) having lots of health issues

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